Sunday, January 13, 2013

Detailed hair, possible final lookdev

Youtube really destroys the color in these videos, but this one should have its blacks a little less lifted.  I need to get this into a lighting scenario that's more similar to the actual video so I can see if it holds up.  I've started on translating this back into my rig (animation in previous posts), but I may need to re-do some of that rig, fun!

I'm pretty happy with the hair, it's pretty hard to model something so it looks like a poor sculpture of hair.  I've added a lot more blemishes and imperfections to make this look more like the clay in the original (even though you can barely see any details in the original).  I'm actually getting away with a lot via normal maps, seems like the resolution of the final product is low enough that displacement would be way overkill.  Current plans involve some closeups, so I need it to hold up when filling the frame. 

Comments are welcome, if you have feedback on the look.  Make sure you full-screen it and set it at 720p, otherwise it looks like junk.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Saturday, December 29, 2012

First render with lighting/textures

Getting some textures on the model, still working on spec/refl balance and lots of other details.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

Anim Test 2

Just playing around with the rig, mostly -- these behaviors may be cut into different shots.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Introduction and First test

This is a blog documenting my work on a re-telling of the famous Lionel Richie video for the song Hello.  I don't know that anyone will be reading this aside from close friends.  Here's the original video, for reference:

I've been working on this for a couple of weeks. Here's an animation test, I have a basic rig working including some facial blendshapes, and this is animation that I may or may not use.  I'm still trying to figure out what should happen in the video.